Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Oh, Crap

It never fails. One week before Gift With Purchase, I have come down with a cold. Raw, scratchy throat. Runny nose. And, no doubt, before long these symptoms will be joined by a hacking cough that intensifies every time I try to sleep. Of course, what else should I expect? I am, after all, only eight days away from the busiest chunk of my selling year.

On the plus side, it would seem that as my physical health deteriorates, my mental health is holding steady. I've learned that when life hands me lemons, I should look for the silver lining.

Friday, October 9, 2009


...dig that craptacular photo formatting. Seems I have a few things to learn about using this...

Doll Show Finds

Last weekend, my friend Joyce and I made the trek to Edmonton for a crash-and-burn, one-day doll show and shopping expedition. We have done this once before, swearing after the exhausting travel that we'd never try to do this in one day again. Apparently sufficient time had passed that it once again seemed like a good idea, and in fact we got home much earlier than last time.

I didn't come home with a lot of stuff, but the stuff I DID acquire absolutely delighted me.

I also learned that if you're going to go to the West Edmonton Mall, Sunday afternoon on the first cold weekend of fall is not the time to do it. Holy fright, 20,000 people in a mall at once is not my idea of fun. Fortunately, there were lemurs and a sea lion to make it nicer.